
This commit is contained in:
hok7z 2023-09-15 20:42:36 +03:00
parent ccc223e760
commit ca7550d2bc

122 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
echo "Welcome"
alias pacman="pacman --noconfirm --needed"
alias paru="paru --noconfirm --needed"
# sudo pacman -Sy dialog
install_base_pkgs() {
echo -e "${green}[*] Doing a system update, cause stuff may break if it's not the latest version...${no_color}"
sudo pacman -Suuy
sudo pacman -S base-devel wget git curl vim
sudo pacman -S pacman-contrib
install_software_pkgs() {
# Software
sudo pacman -S bluez bluez-utils cups
sudo systemctl enable bluetooth
sudo systemctl enable cups
echo -e "${green}[*] Installing software.${no_color}"
# Xorg application
# sudo pacman -S kitty nitrogen
sudo pacman -S foot
# TODO: Write bash scripts for build applications: flameshot, hyprland, swww, telegram-bot-api(server)
sudo pacman -S pipewire pipewire-pulse
sudo pacman -S bottom keepassxc gnupg polkit-gnome
sudo pacman -S discord
# Xorg applications
# sudo pacman -S rofi xsel
sudo pacman -S wofi
sudo pacman -S neofetch dunst libqalculate pkgfile zathura texlive-core
# Shell utils
echo -e "${green}[*] Installing shell utils.${no_color}"
sudo pacman -S fish
sudo pacman -S lsd bat fzf ripgrep tmux jq imv yt-dlp mpv
# Graphics
# TODO: mirgate to hyprland(wayland)
echo -e "${green}[*] Installing graphics.${no_color}"
# sudo pacman -S xorg xorg-server xorg-xinit lxappearance papirus-icon-theme
# sudo pacman -S bspwm sxhkd
sudo pacman -S tor
sudo systemctl enable --now tor
# MTP protocol
echo -e "${green}[*] Installing mtp protocol.${no_color}"
sudo pacman -S mtpfs gvfs-mtp gvfs-gphoto2
sudo pacman -S ntfs-3g
# Python
echo -e "${green}[*] Installing python.${no_color}"
sudo pacman -S ipython poetry
sudo pacman -S python python-pip python-poetry
# VirtualMachine tool
echo -e "${green}[*] Configuring virtual manager.${no_color}"
sudo pacman -S qemu virt-manager ebtables dnsmasq firewalld nmap
sudo systemctl --now enable libvirtd
sudo systemctl --now enable firewalld
sudo sytemctl restart libvirtd
create_dotfiles() {
echo -e "${green}[*] Copying configs to $config_directory.${no_color}"
mkdir -p "$HOME"/.config
mkdir -p /usr/share/themes
mkdir -p "$HOME"/Pictures/screenshots
echo -e "${green}[*] Copying fonts to $fonts_directory.${no_color}"
sudo cp -r ./fonts/* "$fonts_directory"
fc-cache -fv
# Install paru
install_aur_helper() {
echo -e "${green}[*] Installing aur helper.${no_color}"
git clone
(cd paru && makepkg -si)
rm -rf paru
install_aur_pkgs() {
paru -S librewolf-bin kotatogram-desktop-bin pandoc-bin
paru -S light-git
paru -S pfetch
# paru -S polybar-git light-git picom-animations-git
paru -S jmtpfs
paru -S epson-inkjet-printer-escpr
finishing() {
echo -e "${green}[*] Copying wallpapers to "$HOME"/Pictures/wallpapers.${no_color}"
cp -r ./wallpapers/* "$HOME"/Pictures/wallpapers
sudo chsh -s /bin/fish
# NeoVim
echo -e "${green}[*] Installing neovim.${no_color}"
sudo pacman -S neovim neovim-qt
sudo pacman -S npm ninja cargo go
echo -e "${green}[*] Updating nvim extensions.${no_color}"
# Lazy
#nvim +PackerSync